Sunday, January 25, 2009


Wellington came to us by surprise. He is a beautiful Russian Blue. Monnica found him on the side of the road. He was just little tiny runt. She fed him and cared for him.

But Monica's boys, being the rough necks they are, teased him a lot and he got pretty wild and would bite and scratch. So Monica asked us to take him. I really didn't want to but he was such a pretty cat and Alex loved him which was very unusual for him. He let him eat in his bowl and everything.

It too quite some time to calm Wellington down enough to be a good pet. We got him neutered and declawed. He still has an attitude but that's what indears him to most people. He loves people and always runs in the room when guests arrive. He is an escape artist and will get out the door in no time and you won't even see him leave. But he doesn't stay out long. He is used to the indoors and comforts of home.

Randy has a female cat named Megan. Wellington has taken to her but she doesn't like him at all. Her boyfriend is Blue Boy, a long-haired Russian Blue. Welling is nearly 8 years old now. We really enjoy him with all his faults. People have even asked us if they could have him so I know we could give him away easily but we don't choose to.